July 11, 2019

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Note: This brief essay is a summary of the longer essay that describes your human consciousness with more details including reference sources at the "Details About Your Consciousness" link on the Homepage Index of this website.

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At the fundamental biological level, your brain is the real cause of your adaptable self-identity and your mind is the real cause of your enlightened self-awareness.

Now there is solid new evidence that your conscious self-awareness and adaptable self-identity are really self-constructed perceptions of reality based upon a combination of internal instinctual biological causes and external learned cultural influences.

The fundamental presupposition of this website is that your self-awareness and self-identity are true facts and not illusions. This means that your perceptions are just as objective as the earth and the sky even though you experience them as being the subjective core of your existence as a person.

It is important to know this basic assumption, since there have been so many false ideas about the true characteristics of your brain and mind that are built into the structure of our American English language. This linguistic process of keeping ancient obsolete ideas alive --- as though they are still relevant today --- makes communication about the brain structures and mental functions difficult.

Therefore, it is imperative that the new scientific insights about the true description of your brain's structures and mind's functions need to replace the old obsolete ideas about the so-called spiritual or mystical nature of mental functions.

Modern science has proven beyond any reasonable doubt that the ancient assumption that there is an "immortal spiritual soul" is untrue. Unfortunately, that unscientific faith-belief is based upon misconstrued feelings and not true facts.

Hundreds of millions of Americans and billions of human beings living on Earth today are totally ignorant about the way their minds work and their brainpower (mental force) can be managed more intelligently.

Humanistically speaking, there is only an emotional "secular self. This is the most important liberating fact of the modern world. Now a science-oriented rational method of thinking can be the basis for establishing democratic truths, rather than relying on mistaken religious ideologies.

Your brain and mind can now be understood as being two different living things that depend specifically upon being connected to a living human body in order for you to be alive!

This new scientific distinction can now be described accurately without being obfuscated by such foolish ancient ideas about the separation of the mortal brain and the immortal mind (as soul). Before the Enlightenment started in the 18th century and the development of the modern Scientific Method in the 19th century, virtually all human beings were ignorant about the complex true structures of their brains and the functions of their minds.

For example, Aristotle famously assumed that the brain's functions originated in the stomach and the Ancient Egyptians drained the brains out of the heads of mummies before the bodies were mummified. These ignorant assumptions were held by the vast majority of people during the middle ages: roughly from 450 AD to 1450 AD.

Now it is possible to use computerized microscopes (fMRI) and the scientific method of investigation to explore and understand the true functions of living human brains and minds using noninvasive methods of exploration. Now there is no need to cut into the structures of the brain and nervous system to "see" actual brain functions.

To repeat for clarification, it is important not to be confused by old ideas about brain structures and functions. The old ideas were built into the English language during ancient times when there was no scientific data available to understand the true interactions brains and minds. But now there is plenty of scientific knowledge to help everyone behave better by controlling their emotions more effectively.

Now, in the early 21st century, you can learn what is true and what is not true about your mental functions. You can choose to understand and adopt the new brain vocabulary, which was invented by highly trained professional scientists. They used computerized microscopes and other machines to identify and measure brain functions.

Another fundamental presupposition of this website is that most of the nearly eight billion people living today on our planet have foolish ideas about the purpose and value of their brains because of their vast ignorance about brain functions,

This claim will be proven as the brain-facts (physical structures) and the mind-facts (mental and emotional functions) presented on this website are understood by you. This website can help you understand the true meaning of human consciousness and the significance of your free will from a humanistic scientific perspective.

It is now known that the human brain makes your enlightened consciousness possible. When children and adults are properly taught in a humanistic educational context about secular history and scientific brain knowledge, they can grow up to thrive. They can be responsible people with rational altruistic social values. There is no need for superstitious magical thinking anymore.

In short, it is time to replace obsolete spiritual ideas about the imaginary mystical and mythical soul with scientific humanistic ideas about your mind's creativity and resilience and your adaptable self-identity.

The educational philosophy behind this new approach to explaining the importance of understanding your brain's structures and your mind's functions is called the "whole brain" model of cognitive training. By avoiding useless social behaviors and dangerous addictive habits, you will be able to optimize the functions of your mind and become more focused on your most important personal and social goals.

To conclude, the 15 brain ideas promoted on this website can provide you with a sensible and comprehensible linguistic context for understanding the tremendous influence that your personal knowledge and your language skills can have on your passion for life and your curiosity about everything in the universe.

It is essential to remember that when you optimize your brain knowledge and curiosity, you will be using 100% of your mind's ability to imagine, reason, and remember.

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RECOMMENDATION: You can re-read this summary according to a reinforcement schedule, such as a few hours later and a few days later and then several times in the next week or two. This strategy can help you take advantage of the power of the spaced-repetition method of memorization. Such deep introspection can change your adaptive self-identity and increase your self-esteem (positive emotions about yourself). Remember always: You are your memory!

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